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Get started

Get started

1. Our APIs

SBABs Bank-API is divided into five sections:

  • Open: APIs that requires no authorization, such as interest rates for mortgages and savings accounts

  • AIS: Account Information Service (PSD2), offers account information from SBAB's savings account

  • PIS: Payment Initiation Service (PSD2), offers transfers from SBAB's savings account

  • Enterprise: APIs for mortgage brokers who want to offer SBAB's mortagaes and pre approvals to their customers

The API is based on HTTP with JSON payloads, in a REST-ful style, which should feel familiar for most web developers.

The API versioning is indicated as part of the URL path, and newer versions may deprecate older versions. When that happens, registered clients will be updated with information about the new version and a time plan for when the old version will be discontinued.

2. Create a sandbox account

Before you get started, you will need an authentication key (a.k.a. bearer token) to perform most of the operations in the sandbox environment. Create one for free by clicking the button below.

Create an account

3. Support

Gotten stuck? Have a problem? In our FAQ section you will find answers to the most common questions. Or you can send us a message.

  1. You have to register as explained above

  2. Log in

  3. Choose Enterprise and/or PSD2 (in most cases only PSD2)

For Enterprise:

  • enter name, company name and phone number

For PSD2:

  • Copy the certificate, that will be used, as a PEM string and paste it without adding any extra characters like new line

  • Fill in contact email

  • Fill in any additional data you might need to inform SBAB about

Additional information for PSD2

Please note that presently the only useful roles for PSD2 in the certificate is PSP_AI (reading account information) and PSP_PI (making transfers).

When PSD2 onboarding is finalized, you will get a confirmation mail to the email address you filled in and then you are ready to use the PSD2 api.