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Payment Initiation Service (PIS)

PIS offers APIs for PSD2 clients to perform payments and recurring payment transfers in Swedish Krona. Since the operations involve monetary transfers from a user's account, most operations require user signing with BankID.

API Features:

  • Fund confirmation to verify if available funds cover a given transfer amount
  • Transfer funds between Swedish accounts
  • Instant fund transfer between SBAB accounts
  • Managing recurring transfers (creation, listing and removal)
  • Manage recurring recipients details

For details about required authentication and applicable restrictions, read the authorization section.

Flow description of initiating transfers 3.0 [Secure Start BankID v6]

The flow for both transfers and recurring transfers are the same and follows the steps below:

  • Get the user accounts from AIS (or obtain the account numbers directly from the PSU Payment Service User).

  • Initiate transfers with one of the account numbers from the response of the previous step, and you'll receive a reference_id as part of the response. If the transfer has a status PENDING then no signing required.
    However, if the status is NEED_SIGNING, then follow the signing instructions below:

  • Start the signing for the initiated transfer, use signing_id from the initiate transfer response, the sign/start response will contain an autostart_token and qr_string that can be used to launch BankID to sign the transfer. The qr_string is used by the client to render the QR image scanned by the mobile phone. Please note that a mandatory Header PSU-IP-Address is required for start signing. Both IPv4 and IPv6 formats are supported in PSU-IP-Address.
    Consecutive attempts to start a new signing, for the same user with changing PSU-IP-Address values within a time span of approximately 3 minutes, will result in blocking of the BankID for approximately 3 minutes.

  • Collect the signing status, the response will contain status, hint_code and a newly generated qr_string. https://www.bankid.com/utvecklare/guider/teknisk-integrationsguide/graenssnittsbeskrivning/collectöppnas i ny flik

  • Once the signing status is COMPLETE, the PSU has successfully signed with BankID and the transfer will be executed.

  • In the Sandbox environment, BankID user signing is simulated in the /psd2/savings/3.0/transfers/sign-bankid/{signing-id} endpoint.

  • Use the reference_id to check the status of the transfer in the endpoints
    /psd2/savings/3.0/accounts/{account-number}/transfers/{reference-id}/status /psd2/savings/3.0/accounts/{account-number}/recurring-transfers/{reference-id}/status

  • In the Sandbox, the transfer after signing will have status PENDING or COMPLETE depending on value date. In production the status initially will be PENDING as the backend will take some time to process the transfer to get status COMPLETE.

Test API

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